Day 3: Charisma and Lifestyle Online Congress

During 7 intensive days, we would like to give many people the opportunity to become more charismatic.

Together with you, I would like to prove to you how the harmony of body, mind, soul and business skills makes charismatic and successful. We will take you to the magic of luxury and lifestyle.


Today, on the third congress day, we will discuss innovative hemp products and your self-confidence and the charisma you radiate.

We also welcome our international speakers who conducted their interviews in English with our moderator, Armin Kittl.

Enjoy today’s interviews.

Warm regards,

Andreas Kolos


International email self-made millionaire

Igor Kheifets is an Amazon best-selling author of the List Building Lifestyle: Confessions of an Email Millionaire. 

He’s also the host of List Building Lifestyle, the podcast for anyone who wants to make more money and have more freedom by leveraging the power of an email list. 


He’s widely referred to as the go-to authority on building large responsive email lists in record time. Igor’s passionate about showing people how to live the List Building Lifestyle. |

Here’s the link to his book (free + shipping): | Here’s the link to his e-farming program (evergreen):

CONNY BOCK and Andreas Kolos


Description: In this video, you will learn how to make online marketing simple and effective. We will show you strategies for target group analysis, the most important online marketing channels and the automation of marketing processes. Learn how to optimize your marketing strategy continuously and increase your success. Simplify your online marketing and reach your target audience effectively!

Information about yourself: Business Mentor, Bestselling Author & Online Congress Organizer Hi, I’m Conny, a passionate entrepreneur for over 25 years and have been on the road with my “business on 6 wheels” (recreational vehicle) for several years. As an expert in building businesses, I mainly accompany women on their way to a successful online business and thus to financial independence. I combine business strategies with feminine energy and lightness. With my ability to simplify complex processes, we untangle the tangled mess in your head in a short time so that you gain clarity for your next steps to success. Also known as Mrs. Easy, I developed the 1Plus method because my credo is: “Business can be easy”. There is no need for complicated funnels or other techniques for constant sales. It is my passion to encourage women to free themselves from financial dependencies and to take personal responsibility for themselves and their lives. Create your dream life by recognizing your inner diamonds, your unique gift and make it shine, for your grandiose, irresistible life. My motto: “And what if? – be free”



Michael Baptiste comes from extremely modern circumstances and grew up in the southern part of the USA. 

Even at a young age, he had a clear idea of what he wanted to achieve. 

He successfully sold his first company, which specialized in the production of banana juice, to an American grocer. 

Today, he radiates charisma from every pore of his being. Michael has now found his home in Thailand, where he passes on his expertise in the form of training and coaching.

THOMAS HORNOF and Andreas kolos


In this fascinating video, you will discover the many opportunities and possibilities that hemp offers. Dive into the world of this extraordinary plant and learn how it is used in different areas of our lives.

Explore the many economic perspectives of hemp. From sustainable agriculture to the production of environmentally friendly materials and biofuels, hemp offers an impressive range of economic opportunities. You will be surprised how this versatile plant can help create a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.

Also discover the fascinating medical uses of hemp. From relieving chronic pain to treating inflammation to helping people cope with stress and anxiety, hemp has the potential to positively impact the lives of many. Learn more about the latest research and the growing acceptance of hemp in the medical community.

But the opportunities and possibilities of hemp are not limited to economics and health. We will also explore the outstanding ecological aspects of hemp. From cleaning up pollutants in the soil to reducing the carbon footprint, hemp offers an eco-friendly solution to numerous environmental challenges.

Join us on this exciting journey and discover how hemp can change our world for good. Get inspired by inspiring case studies and expert opinions to understand the full potential of this remarkable plant.

Make sure to give it a “thumbs up” and share the video with all your friends who are interested in the opportunities and possibilities of hemp. Also subscribe to our channel to discover more fascinating videos about sustainability and innovative solutions.

Are you ready to explore the fantastic opportunities and possibilities of hemp? Click play now and get excited about the endless potentials of this remarkable plant.

If you are interested in this topic, please book a non-binding information meeting:

E-Mail:   | Tel.: +49 176 266 72 909  |  Web:



In this inspiring video, you will learn how to retire with charisma and positive vibrancy. 

Discover practical tips and techniques to strengthen your personality, strengthen your communication skills, and pursue your passions in retirement. 

Become an inspiring role model, share your knowledge and enjoy a fulfilling life after work. Click play now and get excited about the endless potentials of this remarkable plant.

Mac Attram and Armin kittl


Charisma is crucial for aspiring top speakers who want to become internationally successful. 

It gives them a captivating charisma and the ability to inspire their audience. Without charisma, it is hard to make a lasting impact and get messages across effectively.

Charisma is a combination of vibrancy, presence, authenticity and persuasiveness. It can be developed.

Mac Attram is a Millionaire Investor, Entrepreneur, Business & Wealth Coach. His passion is helping small business owners double their sales profitably in less than 1 year, build wealth & create the lifestyle they desire.


Discover your unique motivational potential for a fulfilled life

How to direct your energy to the right things and become successful and satisfied.

Stefan Brutscher has been an IT consultant for over 30 years and is the self-efficacy coach. He combines project management experience with personal development knowledge. In his coaching sessions, he passes on his know-how in a compressed manner that he himself has experienced for 18 years. He not only learned from the great gurus of our time, but also gained his experience in the wild solitude of nature. His passion is meditation – for him, this is like raising the focus and the resolution. With the guiding principle “Think big and act boldly”, he helps not only as a business coach, but also in private life.


9 Hacks für mehr Selbstwert und Selbstbewusstsein

“Willst du mehr Selbstbewusstsein gewinnen und dein volles Potenzial entfalten? In diesem inspirierenden Video präsentiere ich dir 9 wirkungsvolle Hacks, die dir dabei helfen, dein Selbstbewusstsein zu stärken und selbstbewusster durchs Leben zu gehen.

Entdecke erprobte Techniken und praktische Tipps, die dir helfen, deine Ängste zu überwinden, negative Gedanken zu besiegen und deine innere Stärke zu entfachen.

 Tauche ein in eine Welt des persönlichen Wachstums und lerne, wie du deine Selbstzweifel hinter dir lässt und zuversichtlich auftrittst.

Unser Abenteuer beginnt mit einem tiefgreifenden Blick auf deine eigenen Stärken und Talente. Wir werden uns mit wirksamen Visualisierungstechniken beschäftigen, um dein positives Selbstbild zu stärken. Du wirst erfahren, wie du Körperhaltung und Sprache nutzen kannst, um selbstbewusst und überzeugend aufzutreten.

Die Hacks werden dir auch helfen, den Umgang mit Kritik zu meistern, deine Komfortzone zu erweitern und dich mutig neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Erfahre, wie du dich selbst akzeptieren und lieben kannst, um ein starkes Fundament für dein Selbstbewusstsein aufzubauen.

Egal, ob du gerade erst anfängst, an dir zu arbeiten, oder bereits auf dem Weg zu einem selbstbewussteren Leben bist, diese 9 Hacks werden dir neue Perspektiven eröffnen und dich inspirieren, dein volles Potenzial zu entfesseln.

Begleite mich auf dieser aufregenden Reise zur Steigerung deines Selbstbewusstseins und lasse dich von den erstaunlichen Veränderungen überraschen, die du in kurzer Zeit erzielen kannst.

Vergiss nicht, den Daumen nach oben zu geben und das Video mit all deinen Freunden zu teilen, die von einem selbstbewussten und erfüllten Leben profitieren könnten. Abonniere auch meinen Kanal, um weitere inspirierende Videos für persönliches Wachstum und Entwicklung zu erhalten.

Bereit, dein Selbstbewusstsein auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen? Klicke jetzt auf Play und lass dich von den 9 genialen Hacks für ein starkes Selbstbewusstsein inspirieren!”



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